2013 — Then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, sign order saying women must have the same opportunities as men in combat jobs. Military services begin studies to determine how and when to bring women into all jobs, probably including in at least some commando units.
Could this be the beginning of the end? All Great Nations have made decisions within their military that caused an end to their existence!
Comments below, from across the nation on this subject.
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M Joseph
Ben, You hit the nail right on the head sir. Equal opportunity is one thing and the lives of our soldiers is another, we cant risk the lives of soldiers to cater to the political correctness of the liberal left.
Ben 3 hours ago
If they want the same opportunity, then they better meet the same standards. Combat isn't a game. If female soldiers can't perform just as well as male soldiers (as determined by fitness tests with EQUAL standards), then soldiers will die. You can't afford to have weak links in combat.
pojomajulare satagraha 24 seconds ago
I hated being in infantry battalions.

Your decision was made when YOU volunteered, I don't think your old enough to have been drafted, so what kind of cheese would you like to go with that wine?
Ben 3 hours ago
If they want the same opportunity, then they better meet the same standards. Combat isn't a game. If female soldiers can't perform just as well as male soldiers (as determined by fitness tests with EQUAL standards), then soldiers will die. You can't afford to have weak links in combat.
Gerald 1 hour ago
I have no problem with the THEORY of women serving in Combat Arms. Where I do have a problem is in the actual practice. When the Army went co-ed they found that women could not pass the 5-event PT test (1-mile run, run dodge & jump, low crawl, horizontal ladder & grenade throw). So they created the 3 event test now used (2 mile run, sit-ups and push-ups) but established one set of standards for men and a lower set of standards for women. 11B is tough enough on guys especially in the LIDs, but how is she going to perform as a 11C or 13B where heavy work is a constant requirement?
Chris 22 hours ago
As long as the women who sign up fully understand they will be held to the same standards, including lack of showers or other hygienic considerations for over 28 days when in the field, more power to 'em.
Valorius 20 hours ago
they should have to get the same haircuts as men too--- high and tights or buzzcuts.
Chris 4 hours ago
Let's not get CRAZY now! :)
M Joseph

KJ 19 hours ago
Do not, and I repeat NOT-lower physical and mental standards for any MOS. This isn't affirmative action at some government desk, this is old school primordial combat.
DASH 23 hours ago
Hey... slag off. Women want to come home from combat with missing body parts or headless... that's their (however stupid) choice! From my experience, I bet the Pentagon will not release female-cowardice stats. Wouldn't look good for the femi#$%$.
Robert 20 hours ago
I do not really care, but I hope this decision is not based on the notion of technology. Since our best equipment is always used against Russian interest, the Russians learn how it works, and find ways to defeat it. People think Russians build #$%$, but like everyone going to war with Russia finds out, technology does not make no difference.
truthmatters 20 hours ago
Lets start with the register at age 18 for ALL females, then lets see how that goes. Then we can check on the combat roles.
Charles 22 hours ago
Men want what women have. Women want men to want what women have. There will not be an efficient and peaceful coed military.
david 20 hours ago
Until experience says otherwise, let the USA send all female combat units into all USA military actions in the near future. The results will speak for themselves!
1 comment:
I find it a bit amusing that people feel that women want equality. The majority of them don't want true equality, they only want their version of it. Yes, I am a woman saying this.
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