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Sunday, December 29, 2013


Bring in the New Year at the
with the
Martini Jay & Manhattan Miller
 Hosts of the Happy Hour Radio Show 
on KLAV1230AM Tuesdays 7-8pm
To this Las Vegas Red Carpet Event!
Warming up the night and Broadcasting Live From the Copa Room
(Broadcast starts at 7pm Join us LIVE 
and Be The Celebrity; Old School VEGAS STYLE!)
When: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 7pm Live Broadcast
Where: The Copa Room, 7700 South Las Vegas Blvd, (At the 215)
Price: $50.00/person (Additional $30.00 for VIP Admission)
Parking: Free onsite
Reservations, Jeff @ (702) 578-1307 or paypal
Includes: Banquet (9-11pm) catered by The Bootlegger Italian Bistro, swing lessons by Dancing with Dawn, Music by DJ Matt Lindsey (70's,80's and todays music) and passed champagne toast at Midnight.

Celebrity Host: Tiffany Masters
Celebrity DJ: Matt Lindsey
Celebrity KLAV Radio Talk Show Hosts:
Martini Jay & Manhattan Miller
Swing Dance Lessons By: Dancing with Dawn



Monday, December 23, 2013

Happy Holidays from the Cravat Pack on KLAV 1230 Am (The Talk of Las Vegas)

It would be a
mistake to leave out
Polish: Wesolych swiat!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Cyber Monday Recommendations - Better Your Life with Harry Shade and Make MONEY with AnyBodyTrade! ---->

Harry E. Shade
Harry is the author of Rare Sense; One Day It Will Be Common: A Practical Guide to a Fulfilled and Balanced Life and the creator, producer and co-host of Marvelous Mondays with Harry & Phil, an online radio show about positive people, information and news. His passion and purpose is helping people be the best they can be, which allows him to be the best he can be. He earned his B.A. in Criminology in ’82 and is a Certified Master Coach and Trainer and a Certified Entrepreneur. He helps people recognize the beauty, grace, power and magnificence they possess and works with them to learn, grow and evolve into superior human beings.

Rare Sense is truly a way at looking at the world that empowers people to see the simplicity and power in the common everyday things that we tend to take for granted. It also helps people to awaken to the true power that lies within each and every one of us.
“Harry Shade is a superstar Master Coach and Trainer. He is experienced, passionate, and enthusiastic. Harry is loved by his students and his colleagues for his humor, his heart and his knowledge. Harry is the consummate professional committed to the success of his students and clients” -
Berry Fowler, Chairman & Co-Founder, Fowler Wainwright International

"Harry, just wanted to let you know that I have been asked by a trade journal of my peers to join a group of agents that will be writing a monthly article called the "travel agent diaries" series! I am so flattered but afraid at the same time but I learned from a great coach, to truly be successful you will sometimes need to step outside your comfort zone. That was the main reason I said yes. Just wanted to let you know that your coaching and the things I learned from you were not forgotten!". Traci Kidd, Owner, The Traveling Kidd
Harry’s trainings, workshops and talks have been presented to a wide variety of companies and organizations, in the US and abroad, including but not limited to:
· Boeing
· Merck
· Franklin County Child Support Enforcement
· Bradford School
· Over 180 high schools across Ohio
· Universal Light Expo
· U.S. Army 
His radio show Marvelous Mondays with Harry & Phil is tracking in the top 1% of over 2800 shows in the Life Category on Blog Talk Radio, with thousands of listeners each week from over 30 different countries. 
Harry resides in Las Vegas, NV and has one adult child. His other passions include travel, coaching youth sports, cooking and baking, volunteering and personal/spiritual development.  
For booking information,
contact MMWHP Productions &
 614-206-0686 or

Monday, November 18, 2013

20 Things Boys Can Do to Become Men

Listen LIVE Every Tuesday 4-5pm
The Happy Hour
The Cravat Pack, Martini Jay and Manhattan Miller
The Happy Hour will Broadcast LIVE 7-8pm
There are times when I read, listen review research and just ponder on societies changes and the results of modern media and its affects in the minds of our youth - GOOD or BAD the media and images online, and especially on TV shape the minds of our young, but....
On occasion I find however rare it may be an entire article that's not political and doesn't seem to be motivated by any particular party that I feel is worth sharing,
Kareem Abdul Jabbar's article is one of those that I felt was worth introducing my readers and listeners to. 

Article IN TOTAL follows:

Why should a young man listen to an old guy about the best way to become a man? Because the typical teen is not yet able to see a future past the next few months. That’s not a fault of character, but the fact that teens’ brains have not yet physically matured. The pre-fontal cortex (PFC) does not fully develop in most people until they’re twenty-four years old. Yet, the PFC is responsible for regulating mood, attention span, impulse control, and the ability to plan ahead and understand the consequences of one’s actions. In the meantime, it’s up to the adults to guide them by showing them possible consequences—good and bad—of their behavior. With that in mind, here’s my guide to becoming a man:

1. Learn who you are as an individual.

Figuring out who you are, what you care about, what you believe in, and what you stand for is the most important—and most difficult—challenge of becoming a man. We’re all raised with people telling us what to think, how to act, and what to say. Sometimes those people are parents, teachers, ministers, and other so-called authorities. Sometimes they are our friends and peers. Most of the time, given the choice, we seek the easiest path, the path of least resistance. We go along to get along. Sometimes that’s okay. But it’s those instances when you opt for a different path that can really define you as an individual. The important thing is you make those decisions for yourself—not out of spite against authority figures, or because of peer pressure, or even out of fear of losing someone’s affection—but out of conviction of who you are and who you want to be.

2. Stand up for yourself and your beliefs.

British statesman Edmund Burke once said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." That’s one of my favorite quotes because it reminds me that it’s not enough to have lofty ideals and beliefs, you sometimes have to actually get off the couch and defend those beliefs. This is especially hard when you’re hanging with your friends and they all express an opinion that is the opposite of yours. Because you’re outnumbered, it’s easy for them to ridicule your opinion. Be strong. Defend your opinions and beliefs. If you think it’s wrong to be racist but someone in your group says something racist (or sexist, or ant-Semitic, or anti-gay), then tell them you don’t agree and that you don’t think they should make such statements. That’s how these verbal bullies are eventually defeated. More important, you’ll feel proud that you took a stand. Those moments you do nothing will haunt you for a long time.

3. Avoid a physical fight—if you can.

You’re probably thinking, “That’s easy for you to say, Kareem. You’re 7’1” so nobody wants to mess with you.” That wasn’t always true. When I was a young boy, I was bullied. And my dad was a cop, so that made it even more embarrassing. Later in life, I took up martial arts and even trained with my good friend Bruce Lee. That’s why you can trust me when I say that fighting is almost always a mistake. There’s a Chinese proverb that says, “The man who throws the first punch has lost the argument.” That means that when an argument turns into a fight, it’s because the one starting the fight realizes he isn’t smart enough to win verbally, so he resorts to violence. It’s always the dumbest guy who resorts to violence.
What do you do if someone threatens you with violence? You walk away, even run away if necessary. Even if you’re pretty sure you could take him. Bad things can happen in a fight, even if no one means them to. Someone can take an unexpected fall and crack his head open. Teeth can be knocked out. Facial bones can be cracked. And all the crying later about how “it was an accident!” won’t change that.
So, if you’re threatened, leave and tell your parents. Some people are of the belief that you should just go right after the bully, fighting him to show you’re not afraid. While this works well in movies, it doesn’t work as well in real life. These days violence tends to beget violence. The bully doesn’t just slink away, he returns with a baseball bat—or worse. You can still stand up for yourself without resorting to violence: that’s what Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Cesar Chavez, the Buddha, and Jesus did.
The only time you should fight is if there is no other recourse. You can’t run, you can’t talk your way out of it. If that’s the case, hit first, either in the nose (sometimes the blood will discourage further fighting) or the crotch (because the pain will make it hard for him to chase you). One punch and then run.

4. Play a team sport.

I’m all for individual sports—as I mentioned, I did martial arts for many years and also yoga. (Don’t think it’s a sport? Try it!) But playing on a team teaches you how to interact with others, adjust to various personalities, work together as a team, be generous, and many other character-building traits. The cool part is that you don’t have to join an organized team; you can just go down to the playground or open gym and play pick-up basketball or volleyball.

5. Choose your friends for the right reasons.

Good friends can see you through a lot of the tough parts of growing up. But bad friends can actually be the cause some of those tough parts. Don’t hang out with kids just to piss off your parents or try to be something that you’re not. You waste a lot of your youth that way—and miss out of some meaningful friendships.

6. Fight your fear of the unknown.

We all have a tendency to hate what we don’t understand, whether it comes in the form of different food, different cultures, or different ideas. There was a Yale study in which researchers examined the brains of people as they were presented with proof that an opinion they held was wrong. MRIs showed that when those people immediately rejected the new evidence, their brains released an addictive chemical that made them feel good. In that way our own bodies are actually encouraging our ignorance and fear. Fight that impulse. Becoming a man means growing, learning, and understanding—not cowering under a blanket with a handful of comforting notions.
(By the way, don’t confuse physical bravery with intellectual bravery. It’s easier to jump out of a plane—hopefully with a parachute—than it is to change your mind about an opinion. Acts of physical bravado will give you an initial rush, but exploring a new culture or examining a new idea will mature you and make you the kind of person others will be interested in.)

7. Listen to advice.

Whatever troubles and doubts you’re facing, billions of guys before you have gone through the same thing. Your dad probably knows exactly how you feel most of the time because he can remember the same pain and anxiety. Listening to people’s advice doesn’t always mean taking it. You have to decide which advice is right for you. But it might be a good idea to collect some quotes from those who came before you so you can refer to them when you need to.
I’m going to get you started with one of my favorites from philosopher George Santayana: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." That means that if you don’t learn from the experiences of others and yourself, you will end up making the same mistakes over and over. So, when someone gives you advice, don’t dismiss it just because they’re older than you.

8. Be politically aware.

One clear difference between children and adults is an awareness of your community outside your circle of friends and family. The world is constantly changing. Whether it changes for the better or the worse depends on the actions of those willing to get involved. Kids who don’t know anything about their world try to hide it by saying, “I don’t really care. It doesn’t affect me.” But that just confirms that they wish to remain children and have adults tell them what to do and think. Part of being a man is to be informed so you are prepared to take an active and responsible place in your society. Read newspapers, magazines, watch the news. Discuss these subjects with your friends, but always while respecting each other’s opinions.

9. Mind your manners.

When you’re a kid being told to firmly shake hands, keep your elbows off the table, or ask guests if they’d like a drink, it all seems like a load of dumb and arbitrary rules. Some of it is. But part of becoming a man is the realization that it doesn’t matter whether or not the rules of manners make sense. What matters is the effect of following these rules: people appreciate the effort and respect shown them. In turn, they will show you respect.

10. Be patient in love.

Most of the information boys have about girls is WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! It’s based on stereotypes, rumors, bad songs, shallow teen movies, and immature celebrities in personal tailspins. The worst thing you can do in looking to find a significant other is to try to change yourself into something you’re not just because you think that’s what girls are looking for. It doesn’t work.
The best way to get an idea of what’s attractive to girls is to talk to them. Like a girl? Get to know her, ask her about herself, then show her you’ve been listening to what she says. Did she mention a book she likes? Send her an article about the book. It’s low-key, non-stalkerish, and shows you care what she talks about.

11. Stay fit.

It’s hard for all those teenage boys with turbo-charged metabolisms to understand that their bodies will not always be evaporating the masses of greasy calories they consume. They can eat a pizza and a tub of ice cream, then run three miles. They can’t imagine that will ever change, even when you show them photos of their lean dads’ as teens and they look at the potbellies that have miraculously appeared later. But eating somewhat healthily and maintaining an exercise regimen will not only help fight off diseases and aging, they’ll also help ensure an active lifestyle for many years. In other words, the body is like any machine: It may run great when it's new, but after years of neglect it will slow down, and eventually break down. Then you’re the one vegging on the sofa while your pals are playing pick-up ball at the gym.

12. Never, never do something on a dare.

“I dare you” may be the three most dangerous words in the language for kids. The challenge to prove yourself to others is very tempting, especially since the alternative seems to be showing yourself to be a coward. But that’s not really the case. The person who dares you is counting on your not being strong or smart enough to see this challenge as the empty, laughable joke it is. The person who refuses a dare displays intelligence, courage, and independence. And that’s what daring someone is trying to rob them of.

13. Get organized.

One main difference between a boy and a man is that boys talk about what they want to do and men actually do those things. Another difference is that men have less time to accomplish more. In order to do all the things they want, they have to be organized. They keep a calendar (the one in your smart phone is handy), they make a to-do list, and they don’t put off doing things until later. Being organized can change your life: you do more things you want to do, you finish things you need to finish, and you have more time to pursue new activities and relationships. In general, you will be much more successful.

14. Find heroes to copy.

There are so many worthwhile people to look up to and try to emulate. People from history. Even characters in books and movies. The trick is in picking the right people for the right reasons. Skip most sports, music, and movie/TV celebrities. It’s not that they aren’t nice people, but the fact that they’re successful and make a lot of money doesn’t make them wise. Often, it’s just the opposite. They pursued fame and glory so single-mindedly that they have no other interests and minimal education. Many are woefully misinformed about current events, yet at the same time frequently offering their weak, misinformed opinions. Don’t make the mistake of believing that just because a person can act or sing, he or she also has valuable insights into politics or culture. Find heroes—real or fictional—that embody the values that you want to have, not the bank account.

15. Be independent.

A man can take care of his own daily needs. In fact, he wants to. Make your bed, do your laundry, learn to cook, hang up your clothes. Slovenliness is the sign of an immature mind. The sooner you start doing things for yourself, the sooner you will have the respect of others—and of yourself.

16. Question authority.

Respect your elders but don’t think them infallible. Teachers, parents, relatives, politicians, and well-meaning guys like me really do want what’s best for you. But we aren’t always right. Even when presenting supposed “facts,” people can be misleading in an effort to manipulate you into being who they want you to be or doing what they want you to do. History is filled with politicians misrepresenting “facts” in order to convince the population to back rash policies. Teachers sometimes aren’t caught up on the latest research. To be your own man, you will have to make up your own mind about things.

17. Get smart.

Making up your own mind doesn’t mean “going with your gut,” “listening to your heart,” or any other such clichés, however. That’s the lazy man’s way of avoiding the work that comes with developing an informed opinion. Want to express an opinion about the election, the death penalty, or gay marriage? First, do your research. Don’t rely on biased sources. Your goal is to find the truth, not just confirm an opinion you already held. Every time you express an uninformed opinion, others will dismiss you as a child, someone who can only parrot others’ opinions. A man knows how to educate himself in pursuit of truth.

18. Express yourself.

Go ahead, dye your hair purple. Grow it long, shave it off. Wear all black, wear all white, wear boots, wear leather, wear a dress. This is the time to try on new identities to see which ones fit you best. Sure, you might have to endure some taunts, but it’s more important that you figure out who you are than caring what those shut-ins of the mind think.
(A word of caution: avoid doing anything permanent, like tattoos, because, just your taste in clothes, hair styles, music, your thoughts about pretty much everything will change. What you think is really deep and insightful today will seem shallow and immature in a few years. And you don’t want something you will later think is childish permanently etched on your body.)

19. Pay attention to the short run….

People who care about you are always talking about your future: what courses to take for your career, what sports will help you get into college, what to look for in the person you’re going to marry. All that stuff is important to think about. But don’t let planning for your future consume your present. Do some things just because they’re fun now. Take that art appreciation class just because it would be fun to learn about it. Play Injustice just to see Wonder Woman kick Batman’s ass. Read those Deadpool comic books just because they’re wickedly funny.

20. …But keep your eye on the long run.

Most of what’s important to you now won’t be in a few years. Friends will change. Priorities will shift. That can be a pretty scary prospect. Most boys are afraid of growing into their nightmare version of an adult: the flaccid, self-righteous, humorless sack of meat dumped on the couch shouting commands or barking advice that begins, “When I was your age….” Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to turn out that way. Another favorite quote of mine is from Thomas Jefferson: “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” He meant that the cost of freedom is to always be watching for someone wanting to take that freedom away, but a variation of that quote can apply here: “The price of being a man is eternal vigilance.” Know who you are, what you stand for, watch for any assaults on your principles, but always be open to change if the evidence warrants it.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Is this the end of the US Military or the beginning of reinventing the House of Chanel and Gucci?

2013 — Then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, sign order saying women must have the same opportunities as men in combat jobs. Military services begin studies to determine how and when to bring women into all jobs, probably including in at least some commando units.

Could this be the beginning of the end? All Great Nations have made decisions within their military that caused an end to their existence!

 Comments below, from across the nation on this subject.

EVERY FRIDAY On the Legal Brief w/Judge Miller. 
Listen at 12noon-1pm KLAV 1230 AM "The Talk of Las Vegas 
 Call in, we want to know what you think 
(702) 731-1230

M Joseph

Ben, You hit the nail right on the head sir. Equal opportunity is one thing and the lives of our soldiers is another, we cant risk the lives of soldiers to cater to the political correctness of the liberal left.

Ben 3 hours ago

If they want the same opportunity, then they better meet the same standards. Combat isn't a game. If female soldiers can't perform just as well as male soldiers (as determined by fitness tests with EQUAL standards), then soldiers will die. You can't afford to have weak links in combat.
pojomajulare satagraha 24 seconds ago

I hated being in infantry battalions.

M Joseph
Your decision was made when YOU volunteered, I don't think your old enough to have been drafted, so what kind of cheese would you like to go with that wine?
Ben 3 hours ago

If they want the same opportunity, then they better meet the same standards. Combat isn't a game. If female soldiers can't perform just as well as male soldiers (as determined by fitness tests with EQUAL standards), then soldiers will die. You can't afford to have weak links in combat.

Gerald 1 hour ago

I have no problem with the THEORY of women serving in Combat Arms. Where I do have a problem is in the actual practice. When the Army went co-ed they found that women could not pass the 5-event PT test (1-mile run, run dodge & jump, low crawl, horizontal ladder & grenade throw). So they created the 3 event test now used (2 mile run, sit-ups and push-ups) but established one set of standards for men and a lower set of standards for women. 11B is tough enough on guys especially in the LIDs, but how is she going to perform as a 11C or 13B where heavy work is a constant requirement?
Chris 22 hours ago

As long as the women who sign up fully understand they will be held to the same standards, including lack of showers or other hygienic considerations for over 28 days when in the field, more power to 'em.

Valorius 20 hours ago

they should have to get the same haircuts as men too--- high and tights or buzzcuts.

Chris 4 hours ago

Let's not get CRAZY now! :)
M Joseph
I agree with Valorius, All or nothing at all! Besides its been my experience at least in the army that the women were not all that attractive to begin with, or they were simply lesbians. We knew the economy was still bad when we started seeing attractive women joining the Army instead of the Air Force! LOL!
KJ 19 hours ago

Do not, and I repeat NOT-lower physical and mental standards for any MOS. This isn't affirmative action at some government desk, this is old school primordial combat.

DASH 23 hours ago

Hey... slag off. Women want to come home from combat with missing body parts or headless... that's their (however stupid) choice! From my experience, I bet the Pentagon will not release female-cowardice stats. Wouldn't look good for the femi#$%$.
Robert 20 hours ago

I do not really care, but I hope this decision is not based on the notion of technology. Since our best equipment is always used against Russian interest, the Russians learn how it works, and find ways to defeat it. People think Russians build #$%$, but like everyone going to war with Russia finds out, technology does not make no difference.

truthmatters 20 hours ago

Lets start with the register at age 18 for ALL females, then lets see how that goes. Then we can check on the combat roles.

Charles 22 hours ago

Men want what women have. Women want men to want what women have. There will not be an efficient and peaceful coed military.
david 20 hours ago

Until experience says otherwise, let the USA send all female combat units into all USA military actions in the near future. The results will speak for themselves!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Ryan Ferguson Update: Conviction vacated for Mo. man jailed nearly 10 years for murder he says he didn't commit

Fridays, 12 Noon - 1pm LIVE   KLAVAM1230

ALL RISE! Court is in session, The Honorable, Judge M. Joseph Miller II. Presiding. Tune in This Friday to The Legal Brief with Judge M. Joseph Miller II. The Legal Brief, Legal Analyst.

You’ll recall in a previous segment airing on October 11, 2013, listen to the rebroadcast: ( the case of Defendant, Ryan Ferguson convicted of murder in 2005 by the People of the Commonwealth of Missouri was analyzed by our very own Analyst, Miller. 

After careful review we asked Judge Miller to make a recommendation/ruling if and when an appeal should be had in this case. WELL MILLER CALLS IT AGAIN, just as in the People vs. Zimmerman trial this past summer, Miller decided to make a ruling on air LIVE! His verdict was in favor of the defendant and the “IMMEDIATE RELEASE FROM INCARCERATION!”

Someone was listening and you should too because; 

An appeals court has vacated the murder conviction of Ryan Ferguson, the 29-year-old Mo. man imprisoned for nearly a decade for a crime he says he didn't commit. In 2005, Ferguson was sentenced to 40 years in the 2001 murder of sports editor Kent Heitholt.


The state has to decide whether to re-try Ferguson. It's not clear when he could be discharged from custody. His lawyer, Kathleen Zellner, plans to seek Ferguson's release on bond pending the decision on whether to retry him, (This has been reported in the Associated Press.)
The circumstances surrounding Ferguson's conviction have troubled legal experts. The case was upheld last year despite a lack of physical evidence pointing to Ferguson, and the recantations of both Ferguson's alleged accomplice and an eyewitness. Our Analyst calls it hogwash and instead recommended the immediate release of Ferguson. This appeals court ruling i.e. a Vacated Judgment essentially makes it as though Ferguson has never been convicted of a crime!

  1. Vacated Judgment is defined as: A vacated judgment makes a previous legal judgment legally void. A vacated judgment is usually the result of the judgment of an appellate court, which overturns, reverses, or sets aside the judgment of a lower court. An appellate court may also vacate its own decisions. ...

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Your Legal Brief!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

We're SORRY! A CRASH in our system caused you inconvenience, lets have a cocktail to burry the Hatchet!

It’s been brought to my attention that a glitch in our database over the holiday weekend has caused our Happy Hour invitation to be sent out to a number of you multiple times. Please be assured that I do not practice the habit of spamming my friends, family, clients or associates (not even enemies, if I've forgotten to delete from my database in the first place) and truly apologize for the inconvenience that this may have caused many of you. I have taken the liberty of personally deleting the invitation from the mail system and the post in its entirety so this problem should not continue to exist.
As much as I’d like all of the thousands of invitees to come down to join us for our live show….we just don’t have enough room, however if I haven’t frightened or angered you away, I still wish to get in this shameless plug, you can  still listen in to the Happy Hour show every Tuesday from 4pm-5pm and  the Legal Brief with me, Judge Miller on Fridays from 12noon-1pm on KLAVAM1230, if you’re not in the Nevada area, you can listen live online at or streaming live at
Of course, as usual, just give me a call or email, say hello, get a designated driver and JOIN ME FOR COCKTAILS. I'm buying!
Disclaimer: All statements made in this posting shall not be construed as legal advice, all statements are the opinion of the author and no statement made in reference to buying all you freeloaders who take the author up on a purely entertaining offer to buy your cocktails are true.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Another Letter to Congress....ROUND TWO

Dear Members of Congress,

I cannot understand why unemployment is so much higher among Black Americans than it is among White Americans. A recent article in the Washington Post highlights this problem and I encourage you to both read the article and work towards a solution -- namely, cutting green card numbers in half as recommended by the Barbara Jordan Commission.
In his December 13 column "The overlooked plight of young black males," Michael Gerson wrote that African Americans did not benefit from the jobs boom in the 1990s the way non-blacks did. Barbara Jordan and her bipartisan commission on immigration reform must have been conscious of this when they recommended reductions in immigration during the Clinton administration.
The U.S. added an average of 977,540 permanent immigrant workers per year during the 1990s. These new workers gave employers an alternative to recruiting black workers.
The percentage of Blacks in the middle class grew from 22 percent in 1940 to 71 percent in 1970 when immigration averaged only 181,725 per year. These gains were largely undercut when Congress started quadrupling immigration numbers in the 1970s.
Congress should revisit the Jordan Commission recommendations to immediately reduce immigration and open up opportunities for African Americans.
M. Joseph Miller II

Monday, September 23, 2013

Negotiating.......for More Children?

Negotiating for More Children

Deciding how many children to have should be discussed with your partner ahead of time, but sometimes opinions can change based on how difficult a pregnancy is or whether one spouse is still longing for a boy or a girl. If you find yourself at odds about whether to have another baby, Dr. Phil has advice:

If your spouse wants to keep trying because he/she longs for a child of a different sex:

  • Remember that each birth is an individual event and your chance of having a baby that is the sex of your choice is only 50/50. If you have two girls, that in no way increases your chances of having a boy next time.

  • Remember that you don't love the children you have any less because they are not of differing sexes.

  • Try to meet your needs for a son/daughter in some other way. For example, get involved with a local little league or Brownie troupe, even if your child is not a part of it.

    If your spouse doesn't want any more children because of how difficult a pregnancy was:
  • Argue her side for a minute. Put yourself in her shoes and try to see why she doesn't want any more children.

  • Acknowledge what you don't know. You may be greatly underestimating what the pregnancy was like for her. Pregnancy can have a taxing effect on a woman biologically, constitutionally and physically. It is very painful, and for some, very debilitating, with biochemical changes that can bring on anxiety attacks and postpartum depression.

  • Ask yourself if it is fair to ask her to go through that again. She may not be a good candidate for pregnancy at this time.

  • It may also not be fair to ask your husband to have a vasectomy at this point. Don't burn bridges yet if there is a chance that your desires may change in the future.

    If you are hesitating on having another child because you're afraid it will shortchange the love you have for your current child:

  • Understand that you don't divide the amount of love you have to give by the number of children you have. You draw your love for them from different accounts, and you never run out.
  • Monday, June 10, 2013


    KLAV AM 1230 The Talk Of Las Vegas Radio’s SEX & MONEY Show
    Announces New Show
    “THE LEGAL BRIEF” w/ Host: M. Joseph Miller II
    Offering something that no other Las Vegas Radio Station can!

    Las Vegas, NV - announced today that M. Joseph Miller II. has been signed to host the new “Legal Brief” show on KLAV AM 1230’s SEX & MONEY SHOW Each Wednesday from 12Noon to 1pm to further develop their growing portfolio of entertainment programming and national accounts.  M. Joseph Miller II. comes with a wealth of experience within the Industry, having spent the last nineteen years in the business, political, legal, fashion and entertainment arena with both the Clark County and Beverly Hills Bar Associations, and his own companyM & A Legal Management where Mr. Miller II, dubbed “The Legal Eagle” was instrumental in working with numerous government officials, attorneys, businesses and celebrities assisting with corporate structure, acquiring and managing numerous large accounts. Joining in advance of the launch of the SEX & MONEY’s new show, Mr. Miller II will continue his success.
     Mr. Miller II joins The SEX & MONEY show as the host of the “LEGAL BRIEF” holding discussions in a provocative and in your face manner about the law of the land and providing business services to the Las Vegas Valley radio audience and the international audience. Mr. Miller II. comments “I am excited to start a new challenge within Broadcasting at The SEX & MONEY show’s LEGAL BRIEF and look forward to providing the listeners top rated entertainment and solutions to their business, legal and entertainment issues...I will be getting a little naughty and into their briefs! I am fortunate to be joining such a respected station that prides itself on top quality service.”
    Len Connell, Producer and Host of Sex & Money Show said “The team is eager to have [Miller] with [the SEX & MONEY show]”
    About the SEX & MONEY show
    The Sex and Money Show Stars Len Connell and Dr. Maurice Gregory....also known as Dr. G....We are joined on the air by the spectacular and glamorous ….Booth Babes....who provide our real time traffic reports during the show.
    The Sex and Money Show is the Las Vegas Cure for Geritol Radio.  We are not a mundane infomercial. We take on cutting edge subjects, have interesting guests and timely topics.  Las Vegas is a Sex and Money Town, so stories concerning the money, power, politics, crime, glamor and sex appeal of  Spectacular Las Vegas, 
    Nevada, are fair game.  Previous guests come from all walks of life and have ranged from Air Force Amy and Sunset Thomas, stars of the HBO Cathouse former owner of the Dunes Hotel and the last person to speak to the late Jimmy Hoffa before his disappearance, Arthur Schenker, to Notable Nevadan and Former 
    Lieutenant Governor, Lorraine Hunt Bono
     Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available:
     Contact an Executive Producer